Introduction to Museum management at the Ministry of Culture
These pages describe the authority exercised by the Ministry of Culture through the:
Office of National Museums. This is an administrative unit, which is part of the General Department of Fine Arts and Cultural Assets, which promotes and co-ordinates actions related to museums at a national level.
Museums High Commission. This is the senior consultative body for the General State Administration in the area of museums.
Spanish Museums System. This is a co-operation and co-ordination instrument between museums consisting of museums assigned to the Ministry of Culture, museums that depend on other ministries, museums that enter into agreements, the Spanish Historical Heritage Institute and the Office of National Museums.
Spanish museums are classified into two main groups:
- Publicly owned, managed by the General State Administration, the Autonomous Community Administrations or the Local Administrations.
- Privately owned, which include those owned by the Church.
Out of over one thousand museums registered in the search engine for Spanish museums, 139 belong to the Spanish Central Administration.
83 museums are attached to the Ministry of Culture:
- 17 are managed exclusively by the General Department of Fine Arts and Cultural Assets.
- 64 are now managed by the Autonomous Communities (by means of agreements).
- The Prado National Museum is a "Special Public Entity".
- The Reina Sofía National Art Centre Museum is an Autonomous Entity.
- The National Theatre Museum is managed exclusively by the National Stage Arts and Music Institute (INAEM).
56 museums are attached to other ministerial departments, independent bodies, Royal Academies, etc.
The rest of the museums are managed by other public administrations or private institutions.
Museos Estatales
- Museo Arqueológico Nacional
- Museo Nacional y Centro de Investigación de Altamira
- Museo Nacional de Arqueología Subacuática. ARQUA
- Museo del Traje. CIPE.
- Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas
- Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias "González Martí"
- Museo Nacional de Escultura
- Museo del Greco
- Museo Casa de Cervantes
- Museo Nacional de Arte Romano
- Museo Sefardí
- Museo Sorolla
- Museo Nacional de Antropología
- Museo Cerralbo
- Museo Romántico
- Museo de América
- Museo Nacional de Reproducciones Artísticas
- Museo del Teatro
- Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
- Museo Nacional del Prado
- Museo Thyssen Bornemisza
- Museo Lázaro Galdiano
Contenidos Adicicionales
- Agenda de Museos Estatales. Mayo 2008.
- Abierto el plazo para participar en el Certamen fotográfico del Museo Sefardí de Toledo.
Contact address
Subdirección General de Museos Estatales
Plaza del Rey, 1, 4ª planta
28004 – Madrid
Teléfono: 917017256
Fax: 917017384