
Berlino – Coordinamento dei Musei Berlinesi :

Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

  • Egyptian Museum Altes Museum, Museumsinsel
    Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung (Egyptian Museum
    and Paypyrus Collection) in the Altes Museum..
  • Alte Nationalgalerie Alte Nationalgalerie, Museumsinsel
    The Alte Nationalgalerie (Old National Gallery) houses 19th century
    sculptures and paintings.
  • Collection of Classical Antiquities Altes Museum and
    Pergamonmuseum, Museumsinsel

    The Antikensammlung (Collection of Classical Antiquities) contains
    Greek and Roman works
  • Ethnological Museum Museen Dahlem
    With a total of 500,000 objects from throughout the world and large
    numbers of sound recordings,

    documentary photographs and films, the Ethnologisches Museum
(Ethnological Museum) ranks among the largest and best of its kind..

  • Gemäldegalerie Kulturforum Potsdamer Platz
    The Gemäldegalerie possesses one of the world's finest collections of
    European art from the 13th to 18th century.

    After the collection was founded in 1830, it was systematically built up

    and perfected. The exhibition includes masterpieces
    by artists from every
    age of art history such as van Eyck, Bruegel, Dürer, Raphael, Tizian,
    Rubens, Vermeer and Rembrandt.
  • Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin

    Berlin's Museum for contemporary art opened in the former railway
    station, Hamburger Bahnhof, in November 1996.
    This gave the
    Nationalgalerie (National Gallery) not only the first permanent home
    for its collection of contemporary art.
  • Helmut Newton Foundation
    Museum für Fotografie, Charlottenburg

    Since the Helmut Newton Foundation was opened at the Museum for
    Photography in June 2004, it has been used as an exhibition space for
    temporary exhibitions of photos by Helmut Newton and his wife June
    (aka Alice Springs).These are supplemented by the permanent
    presentation of "Helmut Newton’s Private Property".
  • Art Library
    Kulturforum Potsdamer Platz

    The Kunstbibliothek (Art Library) has approximately 350,000 volumes
    and ranks among Germany's leading institutions specializing in literature
    concerning the history of art.
    The library attracts 35,000 visitors annually.
  • Museum of Decorative Arts
    Kulturforum Potsdamer Platz

    The Kunstgewerbemuseum (Museum of Decorative Arts) collects
    works of skilled craftsmanship ranging from post-antiquity to the present.
    It encompasses all the styles and periods in art history and includes silks
    and costumes, tapestries,
    decorative wainscots and furniture, vessels made of glass, enamel and
    porcelain, works in silver and gold as well as contemporary crafts
    and design objects.
    Most of the materials involved are of great value. Many items were
    commissioned by representatives of the church, the royal court
    and members of the aristocracy.
  • Kupferstichkabinett – Museum of Prints and Drawings
    Kulturforum Potsdamer Platz

    The Kupferstichkabinett – Museum of Prints and Drawings is
    the largest collection of graphic art in Germany – and one of
    the four most important in the world.
    It comprises over 500,000 prints and 110,000 drawings,
    watercolours, pastels and oil sketches. This universe of
    "art on paper" includes works by major artists ranging from
    Sandro Botticelli and Albrecht Dürer to Rembrandt
    and Adolph von Menzel, from Pablo Picasso to Andy Warhol.
  • Numismatic Collection
    Bode-Museum, Museumsinsel

    The Münzkabinett (Numismatic Collection) is one of the largest
    collections of its kind with around 500,000 objects.
    The collection owes its international renown to its rich diversity
    as well as the comprehensiveness of its coin series which range
    from the beginnings of coinage in the seventh century BC in
    Asia Minor to the coins and medals of the twenty-first century.
  • Museum Berggruen

    The Museum Berggruen presents exceptional works of classic
    modern art. Included among the artists are Picasso, Klee, Giacometti
    and Matisse.
  • Museum of European Cultures
    Museen Dahlem

    The Museum Europäischer Kulturen (Museum of European Cultures)
    came into existence in 1999, created by merging the 110 year old
    Museum für Volkskunde (Museum of Folklore) with the European
    collection of the later-founded Ethnologisches Museum
    (Ethnological Museum).
    Comprising a total of around 27,000 objects, the Museum
    of European Cultures houses one of the world’s largest collections
    of European ethnographic studies and cultural history.
    The Museum of European Cultures will be closed
    to visitors for renovation works from mid-2008 to mid-2010.
  • Museum of Asian Art
    Museen Dahlem

    The Museum of East Asian Art and the Museum of Indian Art were
    merged in December 2006 and now operate under a new joint name,
    the Museum of Asian Art. The Collection of South, South-East
    and Central Asian Art constitutes one of the world’s most important
    collections of art from the Indo-Asian cultural area. The Collection of
    East Asian Art presents a comprehensive exhibition embracing the
    broad spectrum of art from China, Japan and Korea.
  • Museum for Photography

    Since June 2004, the Museum für Fotografie (Museum for
    Photography) is part of the Art Library, situated under the same
    roof as the Helmut Newton Foundation at Jebensstraße 2
    opposite the Bahnhof Zoologischer Garten.
  • Museum of Islamic Art
    Pergamonmuseum, Museumsinsel

    The Museum für Islamische Kunst (Museum of Islamic Art) is
    situated in the south wing of the Pergamon Museum.
    Its permanent exhibition is dedicated to the art of Islamic peoples
    from the eighth to the nineteenth century.
    The works of art originate from the vast area stretching from
    Spain to India.
    The collection's main focus is on the Middle East including Egypt and Iran.
  • Museum for Pre- and Early History
    Langhansbau Charlottenburg Palace

    The Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte (Museum for
    Pre- and Early History) is one of the largest collections spezializing in the
    pre- and early history of the Old World.
    The exhibition covers the prehistoric cultures of Europe and the
    Ancient Near East from their beginnings down through the Middle Ages.
  • Scharf-Gerstenberg Museum In spring 2008, the new
    Scharf-Gerstenberg Museum will open in the so-called eastern Stüler
    building and the adjoining Marstall (stables wing) opposite Charlottenburg
    Palace. Between 1967 and 2005, the buildings, originally designed in 1851
    for the horses, coaches and life guards of King Wilhelm IV, were used by
    the Egyptian Museum until it moved back to the Museum Island.
    The conversion of the buildings for the presentation of the
    Scharf-Gerstenberg collection was carried out according to plans by the
    architectural offices of Sunder-Plassmann.
  • New National Gallery
    Kulturforum Potsdamer Platz
    The Neue Nationalgalerie (New National Gallery), the famous
    "temple of light and glass" designed by Mies van der Rohe, houses
    the collection of 20th century European painting and sculpture.
    Ranging from early modern art to art of the 1960s, the collection includes
    works by Munch, Kirchner, Picasso, Klee, Feininger, Dix, Kokoschka,
    and many others.
    Each year, a number of special exhibitions are on show at the Neue
    During temporary exhibitions, the permanent collection is often
    not on view.
  • Sculpture Collection and Museum of Byzantine Art
    Bode-Museum, Museumsinsel

    In the year 2000, the Skulpturensammlung (Sculpture Collection)
    and the Museum für Byzantinische Kunst (Museum of Byzantine Art)
    were merged to form one museum. In August 2000, the Bode Museum,
    formerly the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, was closed for reconstruction.
    With the re-opening of the Bode Museum on 19 October 2006,
    the Sculpture Collection and the Museum of Byzantine Art,
    together with the Numismatic Collection and works of the
    Gemäldegalerie – Old Master Paintings, are once more be on
    display in their full splendour.
  • Museum of the Ancient Near East
    Pergamonmuseum, Museumsinsel

    The Vorderasiatisches Museum (Museum of the Ancient Near East)
    ranks alongside the Louvre and the British Museum as one of the
    world's leading museums of ancient oriental treasures.
    Shown in an area covering 2,000 square metres the exhibits convey an
    impression of six thousand years of history, culture and art in
    the ancient Near East.

BAVIERA : Il Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen
riunisce la maggior parte delle collezioni d’arte della
Baviera e della capitale Monaco


Kunstareal München

Alte Pinakothek 14th to 18th Century European Painting

The Alte Pinakothek houses one of the world´s most important collections.
On display are more than 800 paintings,
among them numerous well-known masterpieces of 14th to 18th
Century European painting.

Neue Pinakothek

European Painting and Sculpture of the 18th and 19th Centuries

The Neue Pinakothek offers an overview of European
art from classicism to art nouveau.
Its founder was King Ludwig I of Bavaria,
who opened the museum in 1853 and had it built
to house his privately financed collection
of works by contemporary artists.

Pinakothek der Moderne


Kunstgewerbemuseum Dresden

Schloß Pillnitz

01326 Dresden

Fon 0351-4914619


Museum des Kunsthandwerks

Johannisplatz 5 / Neumarkt 20

04103 Leipzig

Fon 0341-2133719

Museum für Angewandte Kunst Gera

Greizer Straße 37

07545 Gera

Fon 0365-8381430


Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

Preußischer Kulturbesitz


10785 Berlin

Fon 030-2662902


Schloss Köpenick


12557 Berlin

Fon 030-2662902

Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg

Steintorplatz 1

20099 Hamburg

Fon 040-428542732

Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte

der Hansestadt Lübeck

Düvekenstraße 21

23552 Lübeck

Fon 0451-1224134

Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum

Schloß Gottdorf

24837 Schleswig

Fon 04621-8130

Museum Kellinghusen

Hauptstraße 18

25548 Kellinghusen

Fon 04822-376210

Bremer Landesmuseum für Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte

Focke Museum

Schwachhauser Heerstraße 240

28213 Bremen

Fon 0421-3613575


Trammplatz 3

30159 Hannover

Fon 0511-16842120

Töpfermuseum Duingen

Töpferstr. 8

31089 Duingen

Fon 0170-7069219

Glasmuseum Immenhausen

Am Bahnhof 3

34376 Immenhausen

Fon 05673-2060 

Marburger Universitätsmuseum


Kleiner Rittersaal

Biegenstr. 11

35032 Marburg

Fon 06421-282 2355

Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte

Hansastraße 3

44137 Dortmund

Fon 0231-5025522


Deutsches Keramikmuseum

Schulstraße 4

40213 Düsseldorf

Glasmuseum Hentrich

Ehrenhof 4-5

40479 Düsseldorf

Fon 0211-8996241

Kreismuseum Zons

Schloßstraße 1

41541 Dormagen

Fon 02133-5302 0

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Deutsches Klingenmuseum

Klosterhof 4

42653 Solingen

Fon 0212-258360

Museum Baden

Wuppertaler Str. 160

42653 Solingen

Fon 0212-258 1400

Schloss Strünkede

Karl-Brandt-Weg 5

44629 Herne

Fon 02323-162659

Deutsches Textilmuseum

Andreasmarkt 8

47809 Krefeld

Fon 02151/9469451

Kunsthalle Dominikanerkirche

Hasemauer 1/Rissmüllerplatz

49074 Osnabrück

Fon 0541-323 2190

Museum am Schölerberg

Am Schölerberg 8

49082 Osnabrück

Fon 0541-560 030

Stiftung Keramion

Bonnstraße 12

50226 Frechen

Fon 02234-697690

Museum für Angewandte Kunst

An der Rechtschule

50667 Köln

Suermondt-Ludwig Museum

Wilhelmstraße 18

52070 Aachen

Fon 0241-479800

Glasmuseum Rheinbach

Himmeroder Wall 6

53359 Rheinbach

Fon 02226-927410

Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier

Weimarer Allee 1

54290 Trier

Fon 0651-9774 132

Landesmuseum Mainz

Große Bleiche 49/51

55116 Mainz

Fon 06131-28570

Deutsches Edelsteinmuseum Idar-Oberstein

Hauptstraße 118

55743 Idar-Oberstein

Fon 06781-900 980

Keramikmuseum Westerwald


56203 Höhr-Grenzhausen

Fon 02624-946010

Museum für Angewandte Kunst

Schaumainkai 17

60594 Frankfurt

Fon 069-21234037

Ledermuseum Offenbach

Frankfurter Straße 86

63067 Offenbach

Fon 069-829798

Museum für zeitgenössische Glasmalerei


Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz 3

63225 Langen

Fon 06103-2030

Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus und

Gesellschaft für Goldschmiedekunst e.V.

Altstädter Markt 6

63450 Hanau

Fon 06181-256556

Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt

Friedensplatz 1

64282 Darmstadt

Fon 06151-165703

Institut Mathildenhöhe

Olbrichweg 13

64283 Darmstadt

Fon 06151-133577

Deutsches Elfenbeinmuseum

Otto-Glenz-Straße 1

64711 Erbach im Odenwald

Fon 06062-919990


Schloss Ziegelberg

66693 Mettlach

Fon 06864-811294

Museum für Moderne Keramik

Stadtmauergasse 17

67146 Deidesheim

Fon 06326-1222

Textilmuseum Max Berk

Brahmsstraße 8

69118 Heidelberg

Fon 06221-800317

Deutsches Verpackungs-Museum

Hauptstraße 22

69117 Heidelberg

Fon 06221-21361

Württembergisches Landesmuseum

Altes Schloss

Schillerplatz 6

70173 Stuttgart

Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim

Jahnstraße 42

75173 Pforzheim

Fon 07231-392126

Schloss Neuenbürg

75305 Neuenbürg

Fon 07082-792 860

Museum beim Markt

Karl-Friedrich-Straße 6

76133 Karlsruhe

Fon 0721-926 6578

Badisches Landesmuseum


76131 Karlsruhe

Fon 0721-926 6514

Keramikmuseum Staufen

Wettelbrunner Straße. 3

79219 Staufen i. Breisgau

Fon 07633-6721

Staatliches Museum für angewandte Kunst

Die Neue Sammlung

Prinzregentenstraße 3

80538 München


Philippine-Welser-Straße 24

86150 Augsburg

Fon 0821-3244102

Neues Museum

Staatliches Museum für Kunst und Design

Luitpoldstraße 5

90400 Nürnberg

Fon 0911-240200

Germanisches Nationalmuseum

Kartäusergasse 1

90402 Nürnberg

Fon 0911-13310

Glasmuseum Frauenau (bis Herbst 2004 geschlossen)

Am Museumspark 1

94258 Frauenau

Deutsches Porzellanmuseum

Freundschaft 2

95691 Hohenberg

Fon 09233-77220

Kunstsammlungen der Veste Coburg

Veste Coburg 1

96450 Coburg

Fon 09561-8790


Mühlenstraße 24

97877 Wertheim

Fon 09342-6860