
the culture platform of the bm:ukk, which is the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture.
On the Start page you will find topical tips for special events, exhibitions or initiatives. The Cultural Catalogue provides links to all areas of culture. The Schools & Youth page provides an overview of cultural events for young people. Facts & Figures from the cultural domain complete the retrievable information and provide a comprehensive insight into Austria’s cultural life. At present, many of the linked websites are only available in German, but the sections in English are being regularly enlarged.



Named after its founder Duke Albert von Sachsen Teschen, the Albertina is one of the world’s largest and most valuable graphic art collections. It comprises about 70,000 drawings and more than one million prints from all eras and styles. The art holdings include world-famous works by artists such as Dürer, Raphael, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Rubens, art from the Biedermeier, Art Nouveau and Expressionism. Special exhibitions, photographic and architectural collection, history of the building, Habsburg state rooms. E-Mail:,

Kunsthistorisches Museum

The collections of the Kunsthistorische Museum are amongst the most important and spectacular in the world. The 16th century Kunst- und Wunderkammer (art and treasure chambers) of Archduke Ferdinand and of Emperor Rudolph II, together with the baroque collections of Archduke Leopold Wilhelm form the nucleus of the Museums magnificent collections, in which the taste and artistic preferences of these and other connoisseurs of the Imperial Familiy are still discernible today, thus conveying a sense of the Imperial glory of the art-loving Habsburg dynasty.

Österreichische Galerie Belvedere

Medioevo in Austria- Barocco nel territorio Asburgico(Martino Altomonte, Johann Michael Rottmayr, Daniel Gran e Paul Troger, Franz Anton Maulbertsch e Franz Xaver Messerschmidt) Ottocento e Novecento – Secessione Viennese
Other institutions associated with the KHM

Ephesus Museum
The treasures of the City of Ephesus have been under excavation since 1895 under the guidance of Austrian archaeologists. Precious finds from the early digs are now displayed at this unique museum. For instance, there is a chance to admire sculptures and architectural models, as well as a 40-meter section of the so-called Parthian Monument. This frieze is considered the most important relief of the Roman period in Asia Minor (2nd century AD). 1010 Vienna, Neue Burg, Heldenplatz (57A, Ringstraße tramway lines, 2A Babenbergerstraße), Phone: +43/1/525 24-4902, Opening hours: WED-MON 10.00-18.00

Hofjagd- und Rüstkammer (Collection of Arms and Armour)
collection of arms and armour The collection is home to Maximilian II’s (1527–1576) gold dagger – one of the most beautiful weapons in the world, as well as the magnificent riding armour of King Ferdinand of Aragon (1452–1516). Many of these beautifully decorated suits of armour, saddles, fire and ceremonial arms, dating from between the 15th and early 20th centuries, bear witness to events of great political moment, such as military campaigns, parliaments, swearings of allegiance, coronations and weddings. Almost all West European ruling houses are represented in the collection. 1010 Vienna, Neue Burg, Heldenplatz (57A, Ringstraße tramway lines, 2A Babenbergerstraße), Phone: +43/1/525 24-4502, Opening hours: WED-MON 10.00-18.00

Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente (Collection of Ancient Musical Instruments)
collection of ancient musical instruments The collection boasts the zithers of Anton Karas (The Third Man), the grand piano Clara Schumann played at the opening of Musikverein’s Brahms Hall, and the pianino Hugo Wolf used when working on his Goethe Lieder and the Italian Song Book. This unique collection likewise includes a collection of Renaissance instruments, as well as the violin from the estate of Leopold Mozart. 1010 Vienna, Neue Burg, Heldenplatz (57A, Ringstraße tramway lines, 2A Babenbergerstraße), Phone: +43/1/525 24-4602, Opening hours: WED-MON 10.00-18.00

Weltliche und Geistliche Schatzkammer (Treasury)
Visit the world’s greatest treasury and experience invaluable jewels and insignia from a thousand years of European history. In this oldest part of the Hofburg (13th century), you will find the crown of the Holy Roman Empire (around 962) and the later Austrian Imperial crown (1602), as well as the remaining items of the 15th century Burgundian Inheritance, and the treasures of the Order of the Holy Fleece. The Ecclesiastical Treasury comprises liturgical items, relics and paraments that testify to the piety of the Habsburgs. 1010 Vienna, Hofburg, Schweizerhof, Phone: +43/1/525 24; Opening hours: WED-MON 10.00-18.00

Wagenburg (Carriage museum)
On display at the world-famous collection of imperial vehicles and harness are more than 60 carriages, sedan-chairs and sleighs from the Baroque period to 1918. The collection presents an picture of the many different aspects of court life, from the pomp of stately occasions to everyday transport, leisure activities (hunting and sport), children‘s games, death and funerals. 1130 Vienna, Schönbrunn Palace (U4, 58, 15A Schönbrunn), Phone: +43/1/525 24-4702, Opening hours: April – October Daily 09.00-18.00, November – March Tuesday – Sunday 10.00 – 16.00

Schloss Ambras
The collection at Ambras Castle is a chance to explore the life and passion for collecting of the Renaissance Archduke Ferdinand II (1529–1595). Discover his Kunstkammer and Wunderkammer (Art Cabinet and Cabinet of Curiosities), his armoury and his antiquarium. More than 200 portraits are on show, including priceless masterpieces by Lukas Cranach, Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Peter Paul Rubens, Anton van Dyck and Diego Velázquez. 6020 Innsbruck, Schlossstraße 20, Phone: +43/1/525 24-4802, Opening hours: Daily 10.00-17.00, In August to 7pm, Closed in November

Museum für Völkerkunde (Museum of Ethonology)

The Museum of Ethnology boasts one of the greatest collections of bronzes and ivory pieces from the golden age of the Kingdom of Benin (West Africa, today’s Nigeria) between the 15th and 17th century, a collection of objects from the peoples of the Pacific islands and the West Coast of North America as well as unique 16th century objects from Mexico. Currently the Museum of Ethnology is undergoing extensive renovations. A special exhibition with a show of courtly art from Benin started in May 2007. The permanent display collections will reopen in 2008. E-Mail:,


MAK – Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst (Austrian Museum of Applied Arts)

The museum was built between 1866 and 1871 based on a design by Heinrich Ferstel in the Italian Renaissance style. In addition to the permanent exhibitions on applied and contemporary art, the museum hosts symposia, lectures and film screenings on topical issues of contemporary art, as well as other events. The gardens of the museum are publicly accessible. Study collection, Design-Info-Pool and research projects. E-mail:,


Other institutions associated with the Museum für angewandte Kunst

MAK-Geymüllerschlössel closed to the public until further notice; special guided tours available on advance reservation.

MAK reading room, bookshop Prachner at the MAK, Opening hours: THU-SUN 10.00-18.00

MAK Design-Info-Pool, E-Mail:,;

MuseumsQuartier Wien

The MuseumsQuartier is one of the world’s ten largest cultural facility neighbourhoods. The wide range of institutions includes the Leopold Museum with the Egon-Schiele collection and the Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien (MUMOK) as well as exhibition premises for contemporary art such as Kunsthalle Wien or festivals such as the Vienna Festival and ImPulsTanz.

Architekturzentrum Wien (Centre of Architecture)

The Architekturzentrum Wien presents temporary exhibitions with thematic focuses. E-Mail:,

Leopold Museum

The Leopold Museum houses the formerly private collection of Rudolf Leopold. It presents Austrian works of art from the 19th and 20th centuries and artwork from Vienna around 1900, including masterpieces by Gustav Klimt, Richard Gerstl, Koloman Moser, Oskar Kokoschka and the comprehensive Egon Schiele collection. E-Mail:,

MUMOK – Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien

The Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien owns Austria’s largest collection of modern and contemporary art. Artists include Pablo Picasso, Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol, Nam June Paik, Daniel Spoerri, Günter Brus and Hermann Nitsch, and the focus areas of the collection, classical Modernism, Pop Art, Fluxus, Nouveau Réalisme and Vienna Actionism, are presented in temporary exhibitions. E-Mail:,

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Austrian National Library)

Roughly 6 million objects in the collection make the Austrian National Library Austria’s largest library. Ten specialised collections: papyruses, manuscripts, old and valuable prints, maps, globes, portraits, graphic art, autographs, pamphlets and posters. E-Mail:,

Gemäldegalerie der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien (Picture Gallery of the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts)

European painting from the 15th to the 19th centuries. Collection of Dutch (Rubens, Rembrandt, Jacob van Ruisdael etc.), Italian (Titian, Francesco Guardi, Tiepolo) and German painters. E-Mail:,

Heeresgeschichtliches Museum (Museum of Military History)

Collections from the 16th to the 20th centuries. Historical military vehicles, history of the Habsburg monarchy, army and navy history, artillery halls (cannonry from the 14th to the 20th centuries).  
