
The official Russian museums' list based on museum survey, updated daily.

Supported by the government grant of
    Federal Agency on Press and Mass Communications of Russia


The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts Phone: (495) 203-79-98, 203-95-78
Address: 121019, Moscow, Volkchonka, 12
Location: metro station 'Kropotinskaya'
      official web site  


    The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts has one of the most representative collection in Russia of foreign art dated from ancient times to modern days. The exposition of the Museum includes today a vast collection of tinted plaster casts of famous ancient, medieval and Renaissance sculptures and a collection of original works of foreign artists, sculptors and graphics together with objects of decorative arts.

    The rooms of the ground floor present mainly the original works: works of art of Ancient Egypt, antiquities, European paintings of the VII-XVIII centuries; two halls – Italian and Greek courtyards are housing casts. On the first floor there are rooms with casts of Ancient Greece, Rome, Middle Ages and Renaissance. The rooms of painting acquaint the public with the art of the XIXth and XXth centuries.

The State Hermitage

Phone: спр (812) 571-34-65, экс 571-84-46, 710-90-79

Address: 190000, Saint-Petersburg, 34-36, Dvortsovaya Nabarezhnaya

Location: From "Nevsky Prospect" metro station, take any of the following: bus 7, 10; tram 31; troll. 1, 7, 9, 10


   official web site
Panoramic sights of the State Hermitage, its interiors and collections – W833


    The State Hermitage is one of the oldest and largest museums in the world. The collection occupies more than 350 halls in 5 different buildings including the Winter Palace, the former residence of the Russian tsars. The buildings of the Museum alone are by themselves valuable architectural monuments.

    The museum collection has over 3 million exhibits from prehistoric to modern times. Especially important are the collections of prehistoric exhibits, Egyptian art, Roman and Greek art, Scythian gold and Western European paintings and sculptures.